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Zodiac, Oxford
26th July 2002

Toby was absent from today soundcheck (at Radio Oxford) so no special occurrences, except Nick singing 'Something Going On Around Here' and Roger taking vocals for 'Kickin' Up Dust'.

Tonight's show was the victim of unfortunate timing - the final of Big Brother.  As a result the crowd were few in number and enthusiasm generally.  The two women who ran straight to the front in Bristol did the same here, backed up by a healthy and enthusiastic front two rows at least.

Still it was a good solid set if not great and the sound was very good.  Toby's autopilot (his words) didn't kick in so he messed up the words occasionally.

During 'Don't Pray For Me' Toby waited a little longer than usual before singing the 'And he wonders if anyone...' line in the first verse catching most of the crowd out - his comment?  "It's my song, I can change it!".

Sadly the numbers actually dwindled during the set, presumably people going home to catch the end of Big Brother (your loss fools!).  As the venue was a club there was a small after-show party during which guitar tech Tim actually passed out mid-sentence.  Due to tomorrow's gig it wasn't to be a long party, especially as the Nottingham show was to be recorded for a live EP.

Kickin' Up Dust
Some People Are More Equal Than Others
Young Gods
Slipping Through Your Fingers
Inside Out
Don't Prey For Me
Refresh Yourself
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
All Roads Lead To You
Radical Your Lover
Too Much Too Young
Harder All The Time
The Way That I Live

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